
RT adfichter:

Zur Abwechslung einmal konstruktiver Techjournalismus von mir 😇 😎

Warum die #eID 2.0 der 🇨🇭 ein vorbildliches Digitalprojekt des Bundes geworden ist.

Ich habe 4 Erfolgsfaktoren identifiziert:

1. Einbindung der Zivilgesellschaft
2. Transparenz und Fehlerkultur
3. EU-Kompatibilität
4. Datensparsames Technologiedesign

Und wie sieht es aus bei #KI-Regulierung, #Plattformregulierung und beim #EPD?
Eine gemischte Bilanz.

Hier meine Analyse ⬇️


11:46 [/mastodon]


Haha! No, , this is not how you enable TLS session tickets!

18:03 [/mastodon]


RT spiralganglion:

To whoever needs to hear this:

Your blog is better without an image than with an AI-generated one. I came here to read your words — let them stand for themselves!

If you *must* use an image, and some soulless AI mockery would suffice, do this instead:

Step outside, and take a photo of wherever you are.

Include a lot of sky, if you can.

This implicit “here’s where I am” is a better reflection of your work than whatever midjourney or stable diffusion would splort out.

19:14 [/mastodon]



RT gertvdijk:

Lasse Collin in commit message: “The other maintainer suddenly disappeared.” 😆

#jiatan #xz

20:38 [/mastodon]


So, who’s still observing Naked Day? On April 9th, disable all CSS on your page!

23:45 [/mastodon]

RT marcan:

Found the DMP disable chicken bit. it’s HID11_EL1<30> (at least on M2).

So yeah, as I predicted, GoFetch is entirely patchable. I’ll write up a patch for Linux to hook it up as a CPU security bug workaround.

(HID4_EL1<4> also works, but we have a name for that and it looks like a big hammer: HID4_FORCE_CPU_OLDEST_IN_ORDER)

Code here: github.com/AsahiLinux/m1n1/blo (Thanks to @dkohlbre for the userspace C version this is based off of!)

One interesting finding is that the DMP is already disabled in EL2 (and presumably EL1), it only works in EL0. So it looks like the CPU designers already had some idea that it is a security liability, and chose to hard-disable it in kernel mode. This means kernel-mode crypto on Linux is already intrinsically safe.

07:44 [/mastodon]

RT rho:

GOES East giving some perspective.

#Eclipse #SolarEclipse

00:36 [/mastodon]

RT enerjazz:

The clouds danced around the #eclipse at my house in north Texas. This shot shows solar flares with some cloud filter effect.

00:29 [/mastodon]


App: qcontinuum.org/planets. Und warum steht die Sonne vor dem Mond? 🤪

17:44 [/mastodon]

Die heutige ist in Europa nur virtuell zu sehen.

17:41 [/mastodon]


heute die Dachrinnen von hunderten Jung-Ahornen befreit:

18:07 [/mastodon]


RT johnmacintosh:

Red spirits are a type of lightning that is still little known, rarely photographed with the detail of this photo.

The photographer was in Mottarone , Italy . Although sprites have been recorded for more than 30 years, their origin is not entirely clear. They only appear in some storms.

These mysterious flashes of light in the upper atmosphere resemble giant jellyfish. In general, they only take a fraction of a second to appear.

via Brian Roemmele from Twitter

23:21 [/mastodon]


RT marcan:

LB: Reimplementing trivial subsets of libraries is highly underrated. If all you need is a few lines of functionality, please don’t link to a whole new dependency just for that. It’s not worth it. I guarantee you’re creating more maintenance burden with the dependency and the build/packaging/upgrade/compat churn that comes with it than you would be if you just vendored or reimplemented the little bit of code you need.

23:58 [/mastodon]

RT nohillside:

Details matter! Clifford Stoll identified a KGB attacker by looking at an accounting error of 75 cents, @AndresFreundTec found a well-planed ssh attack by investigating unexpected CPU spikes.

#security #xz #cuckoosegg



17:45 [/mastodon]

RT marcel:

«Die Feiertage. Die ganzen IT-Abteilungen feiern mit der Familie… Die ganzen IT-Abteilungen? Nein! Eine von unbeugsamen Open-Source-Enthusiasten bevölkerte Mailingliste hört nicht auf, den Eindringlingen Widerstand zu leisten.»

#xz #xzbackdoor #lzma #ssh

17:40 [/mastodon]